About Us
The Show-Me Bears is a social and charitable fundraising organization whose aim is to promote interest in the bear community. The Show-Me Bears is registered with the State of Missouri as a nonprofit charitable corporation. Through a variety of annual and special events, we fundraise for local and regional HIV/AIDS-related charities.
General membership meetings are typically held on the second Saturday of the month at BarPM. Meetings are open to all members, their guests, special invitees, and those interested in learning more about our organization.
Looking to become a Show-Me Bear? Visit our membership page to sign up online or download a membership form.
If you would like to donate to the Show-Me Bears, please use the donate link below or when shopping, bookmark the AmazonSmile page.
Your Donation to The Show-Me Bears will be greatly appreciated and will go towards sponsored charities.

2023 Board Members
Mike Schwartz | president@showmebears.org
Sam Kincade | vp@showmebears.org
Terrance King | secretary@showmebears.org
Joe Flack | treasurer@showmebears.org
Scott Kincaide | roadcaptain@showmebears.org
Rob Rosen | pr@showmebears.org
technology Committee
Joe Flack
Jason Friederich
Kevin Cunningham